What is AppCentral?
AppCentral is a web-based service which allows hospital and managed care organization staffing offices to conduct provider activities over the internet. Every document involved in an employment application process, a provider appointment/reappointment process, or any other kind of process may be passed between the applicant and the staffing office via AppCentral without mailing any document hardcopies.
Why am I Using AppCentral?
You have been invited to create an AppCentral account since a hospital or managed care organization you are either currently associated with or are interested in joining has opted to use AppCentral to direct, control, and maintain its applicant processes and documentation. This practice offers many advantages over conducting these processes manually:
• | Every staffing office form and document involved in an AppCentral process is available to the applicant via AppCentral. |
• | Document copies required from the applicant (copies of certificates, licenses, academic records, profile photos, etc.) may be submitted electronically to the staffing offices via AppCentral. AppCentral allows the applicant to submit some documentation via fax. |
• | Applicants may securely store documentation in AppCentral for future activities involving the same staffing office or the staffing office of another organization using AppCentral. |
• | The status of each document in AppCentral may be monitored by the applicant and the staffing office in real time. |
• | If a document submitted to the staffing office via AppCentral requires further attention, the staffing office may return that document to the applicant through AppCentral with the necessary edits marked/noted. |
• | All AppCentral activities may be restricted to the applicant and only authorized staffing office personnel. |